Bay is 14 months old. (Holy shit, where did the time go? It seems like *just* the other day I peed on a stick and then started freaking out at the two lines!) This age is just so amazing...the look of wonder on her face when she sees something new; the expression of utter amazement on my face when she shows off her mad sign language skillz.
I do feel somewhat guilty about the sheer enjoyment I'm experiencing right now, being her mom. When Boo was this age, I was a brand-new, single mom, freaking out about money, raising him in two houses, and the "stigma" (all in my head, I'm sure) of being said "single mom". I'm sure I missed out on some of the wondrous moments with him, and that makes me sad, but I'm making up for it now.
Wait, how did this become about the boy? Bay is looking out the door to the backyard. She hasn't seen much snow in her short lifetime. She was so little last winter and it's not snowed much this winter, so she just revels in any sight of the white stuff.
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