Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 23: Boing

I think I'm running out of things to photograph.

I have more to say but I can't right now, so I'll be back.

Aaaand, I'm back.

at Steph...I looked for the dragon face, but I didn't see it.

I have quite the collection of Therabands (or exercise bands, whatever you want to call them) left over from my various ankle surgeries. My intrepid physical therapists would send these home with me in hopes that I would make good on my promise to go my exercises like a good little girl and my ankle would be all better.

I never did. Which may be why I needed 4 surgeries to get my left ankle semi-better. "Semi" being the operative word.

It's not due to my lack of P.T., though, I swear.

Anyway, this batch of bands made its way into the bathroom via Boo and Bay. They like to figure out where I've been hiding them and then drag them all over the house. Then, as a good mommy does, I clean them up, for them to find another day. I'm hoping that the current hiding place of my bathroom cabinet will serve 2 purposes: they won't leave them all about the house like intestines from an eviscerated balloon monster, and I might be spurred into using them more than once a blue moon.

Hey...I can hope, right?


  1. Okay that just looks really cool. Like Superman colors as a Chinese dragon's face. Um, yeah, I have had a lot of coffee this morning.

  2. Red eyes and mouth, big protruding yellow nose...

  3. Okay, I *totally* see it now!!! I was the kid that could never see the image in the "magic pictures" though, so that's not a shocker.

  4. Apparently, I have multiple personalities...^that^ is still me. I wonder how many gmail accounts I have. Hmmmm.
