Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 56: "Give crayons..."

Adults are disturbingly impoverished of these magical dream sticks."
~Dr SunWolf

I loved coloring. My favorite coloring books, back in the day were "The Gingham Girls"...anyone? The pictures were sharply outlined in black, the spaces to color were ranged from "just small enough" to "really big" and the scenes reminded me of Little House on the Prairie. Somewhere along the way, I forgot how calming it is to sit down with a pastoral scene, ponder crayon choices, and shade in the picture.

My friend, Lisa, mentioned on FB that she was coloring in a Hello Kitty picture and she had a brand-new box of crayons, complete with pointy ends. My long-lost love of the coloring book flooded my brain, so on my trip to Target, I found a Keroppi coloring book in the $1 Spot, so I got it.

Sitting down, with Boo's crayons, brought me back to my childhood...but I really need my own box. His are all worn down and are missing the labels.

Day 55: Say What?

Bay and I had a play date with a local imaginary friend at Little Monkey Business. For those of you not in the know, it's an indoor playground for kids 6 and under.

This is not the best shot of her, but it is one of the funniest. The expression on her face is classic Bay.

Day 54: "All I need are some tasty waves..."

Toddler Vans...totally overpriced, they can wear them for about 5 seconds, but gosh darn it, they are frelling adorable!!

These were Boo's (for about a day) and I unearthed them while going through eleventy boxes and bags of crap to get ready for a consignment sale. They actually fit Bay, so we're putting them on her every day so we feel like we actually got our money's worth.

Day 53: It Goes Like This...

Despite what you may think, ^this^ is not a commentary on Boo, even though he was a beast this week! (He seems to have inherited his father's sunny disposition while sick.)

Long story short: We bought a sweet label maker. Boo typed his name and put the sticker on his new art-supply "desk". The label maker got placed on top of the fridge for "safe keeping". The label maker fell off the fridge and exploded. Babe, after cussing under his breath, put it back together and typed the *other* word you see here.

A couple days later, Boo finds the naughty sticker and asks Babe if he can put it on his desk too. Babe tells him to ask me first, but, stubborn-minded boy he is, put it on there anyway, before he asked me.

The placement? All. His.

Day 52: Post Snow

After yesterday's massive snowstorm, we ended with about 12-15 inches. Yay. So, Babe, being the super-dad that he is, decided to either build a sledding hill or an igloo in the yard. (This is keeping with the "Fun for all ages" theme.) The neighbor kids decided that they wanted an igloo, so that's what they got. Boo was fighting a cold, so he didn't get as big of a kick out of it as they did, but it *was* pretty nifty.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 51: GMAFB!

I am so, so, so over the fucking snow. It's's my spring break...I want it to be springy! See the previous 2 days? Yep, that would be Sunday and Monday's gorgeous, cotton-candy, birdies chirping, sun-kissed weather that *should* have lasted the week, but instead, we get ^this^. Fuck.

Day 50: So Phallic

I planted hyacinth for the first time ever, in the planter off the patio that Babe built on the fly last summer. I felt like a proud mama when I saw these little guys poking through the dirt. (I planted daffodils too, but this pic turned out better.)

I was trying to be arty and I was playing around with settings on the camera, along with the new UV filter. I like the results so far. I really should read the instruction manual that came with the camera...

Day 49: I Can't Think of a Witty Name

I was hanging outside with Bay, enjoying the weather when I saw the shadow of the tree on the house. I've lived here for almost 8 years? How have I never seen this before? Wishing I would have taken a few in black and white though...thank goodness for Photoshop--that is, if I *had* Photoshop (or knew how to use it.)

Day 48: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Bay loves to eat...especially if it's something sweet. Here, she just devoured an entire cupcake, as evidenced from the frosting round her sweet, widdle face. <3

Day 47: Polka Dot Sky

With DST, I've been getting ready for work and heading out the door in the dark--which I hate, but at least I was able to get this shot. We were supposed to get some snow, which just started here, and the flakes were HUGE! (Typical for a spring storm in Colorado.) They looked so cartoonish, especially against the silhouette of the tree, so I tried to snap a picture. The flakes look like dots, but you get the idea.

Day 46: "You say/I only hear what I want to..."

Just got back from my monthly dinner club and realized that despite taking the camera, I forgot to snap a photo.

So, it's me! (Babe calls the glasses my "Lisa Loebs".)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 45: Erin Go Bragh!

It's St. Patty's day, I wore green, then I changed into this awesome shirt and got some green wine. Not quite the party it used to be, but I wouldn't change my life for anything.

Day 44: ZOMG!

This was taken on the Tuesday after DST started. I hate DST, it always fucks me up. I did, however, go workout after school, hence the awesome hair. (As I'm typing this, I'm enjoying a cupcake.)

OH! The irony!! (Or something.)

Day 43: Monday, Monday...

You can tell I'm running out of things to know, besides my house, the kids, food, and alcohol. LOL.

It's another shot of my classroom. It's slightly cluttered, and it's always like that...Just like my brain.

Day 42: Happy Steak and BJ Day!

This is taken from
Steak and BJ Day is a holiday created for men that falls sometime after Valentine's day...

The reason it is universally accepted as March 14 is because this is exactly a month after Valentine's Day. Steak and BJ Day is self explanatory...

So, today is March 14th (okay, not "today" but the day of this picture) and we *are* having steak, not on purpose, but there you go.

However, Babe came home from his brother's house, where they were starting to make some pantry drawers (I said pantRy, not panTy!) with these awesome flowers! My favorite are the pink Gerbera daisies, which are my absolute faves.

Of course, I have a sneaking suspicion that the flowers are bribe to keep me quiet about the amount of basketball he'll be watching over the next few weeks, but hey, flower are flowers!

Day 41: Spring has Sprung!

I love spring...days are getting warmer and longer and we can actually go outside and enjoy it, since I'm "lucky" enough to be home somewhat early. (I say "lucky" because I have to be to work early too!) Babe has made sure that our house and yard is a child's dream. Swing in the tree, a huge patio for cars and trucks, a sandbox in the back, a trampoline in the garage, a entire downstairs worth of play area...

You can definitely tell that this house has kids. But, look at ^that^ smile. Totally worth it.

Day 40: "Go then...There are other worlds than these..."

I totally stole this pic of the internet...I was lazy and I needed a picture. But, it's relevant!

The "runes" on her back are the ones on the "unfound door" in Stephen King's Dark Tower books, and the quote above the tattoo is my favorite one from the books.

This will be my next tat...once Babe finally finishes the books!

Day 39: Wrestlemania

Boo has really started to be a "big brother" to Bay. No, he's not monitoring her every move, telling her what to do, and telling her it's for her own good. Wait...maybe he *is* Big Brother!

He's realizing that she's not a blob, and that she's growing into a cool little chick, so he loves to help her out (and boss her around.) We were trying to head up to school to watch Babe coach his basketball team, but Bay wouldn't let me put on the sock and shoe she tore off while she was eating.

Boo looked at me, real serious-like and held out his hand, "Mom, let me try." Sure enough, she sat down and let him put her sock on.

Now, I'm using "put her sock on" in the loosest term possible. He put it on upside down, it only covered her toes, and then, he started to wrestle her.

Eh, it's progress.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 38: Let's Get Physical, Physical...

Bay was cutting teeth. In fact, she still is--we finally figured out that there's an eyetooth, and a molar or two coming through, despite the fact that she only has her 2 front teeth on top. What can you say? My girl is a rebel, even at 15 months!!

Auntie Piper decided that due to Bay's propensity for disgusting diaper blowouts and cuddle-fests during teething time, that she'd keep her in the jammies for the day. And wouldn't you know it? Mom happened to wear a hot pink hairband to the gym this day, and it just happened to match her jammies.

The girl may be casual, but she *always* matches.

Day 37: Ham and Cheese

Boo is a total ham...we joke that it's a good think that his Uncle Rex is a theater teacher-extraordinaire, because there's a good chance the kid has a future in acting. He mugs, pulls faces, dances, name it.

I made the mistake of showing him how the computer is a camera, and now, I can't get him to stop taking pictures! (And forget about getting a decent smile...which is very much like his mother, if I think about it.)

Day 36: Assume the Position

March Madness is currently upon us...but not when this picture was taken. (I really need to keep up with this blog. Posting late makes all my pithy comments and pop culture references outdated.)

Babe is a huge college hoops fan--I basically lose my husband for a couple weeks in March while the tournament is going on. Often, he'll talk to his dad,(Papa T) who is also a huge college hoops fan, while watching the same game. It totally reminds me of some scene in a movie where two girls were watching the same show, not really talking, but every once in a while, one of them would comment about it.

Am I just making that up?

Anyway, this is a common position in the house...on the couch, basketball on the tv, and phone to the ear.

I'm so ready for April.

Day 35: Food Porn

This is my picture of the week 2 pasta dish I'm cooking for the cook along. Delish.

A food photographer, I am not, but I do have fun trying to make the dish look as yum-worthy as possible.

Day 34: We Clean Up

So, about forever ago, Babe and I got to go to our school district's annual "Apple Awards" ceremony. It something that the union does, with the help of a ton of corporate sponsors, to recognize teachers throughout the district. Every school nominates one person and then the field is narrowed to about 20...10 from the elementary schools and 10 from the middle and high schools. Our band teacher was a finalist, and he's our neighbor, so we wanted to support him

Really, it was an excuse to get dressed up (Babe was in a suit and...DAMN! he looked awesome!) I got to wear a fancy dress and put on fancy makeup. We light-railed it downtown, met some friends for dinner, went to the ceremony (our friend didn't and then we went out to a funky little bar for a bit.

It was a very grown-up night...except for the part where we both smuggled in flasks of Three Olives "Bubble" vodka (which, when paired with a lemon-lime soda, tastes just like bubble gum) and refused to play $6 for a drink at the ceremony.

Again, we be klassy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Big Behind...

Me, I've very, very, VERY behind on these pics. I'll get updated soon...I promise!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 33: Let's Go Cubbies!

I belong to a motley crew of people...we'll call them the "Oasis" (because that's what our board is called.) I've mentioned them before--yeah, my imaginary friends.

Every so often, we'll do a swap of some sort: "box o' crap", magnet swap, sticker swap, swap, and so on. The latest was a "Happy Swap" where we had a list of things to choose from and we had to send at least 4 items. Categories were: recipe, something handmade, a book, something beautiful, a beginning, a CD or mix, etc.

I was so excited to get mine. One of the items was a gorgeous wooden box with 2 frames set in the lid. Then I opened it up and I found what you now see above.

Ha! My gifter was Karli, a super-duper, hard-core...Cardinals fan. The joke is that Babe, is a super-duper, hard-core...Cubs fan. We did a "flat kid" exchange a couple years ago and as a joke, we made her "Flat Dylan" a little Cubbies jersey to wear.

^This^ is payback. :D

Day 32: The Amazing Climbing Baby!!

Bay has decided that she's part monkey...or mountain goat...or squirrel...or anything else that climbs. Today, she scared the shit out of her Papa T (Babe's dad...our "manny".) She's been able to get on the kitchen chairs for a week or so now--she was climbing up and looking outside at the dogs in our neighbor's yard. She was pretty steady up there, so he let her be, until...

Apparently, she decided to be daring and she lunged at the table and managed to haul herself up onto it. In his words, "The next thing I knew, she was squatting on the table like she was trying to drop a load in her diaper. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry!"

So, I need to keep tall object away from the tables and counters now. The baby-proofing never ends.

Day 31: Penguins!

Here's how it happened...

Boo had a fever.
The sitter, Auntie Piper, got in a car crash. She's fine. Her car...was not.
I called a sub.
The fever went away!

So, we found our way at the zoo. It was a gorgeous day, the kids were awesome, and we had the place to ourselves for the first 90 minutes we were there. I finally got batteries for the little digital camera Boo got for Christmas and he was our photographer. The pics aren't half bad, and he told me that this pic was his favorite. We actually got to see feeding time right after this.

Day 30: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep...

I really don't know the rest of it. Something about dying before I sleep and that shit is just creepy. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to teach your kid about dying in their sleep was messed up.

Really, though, ^these^ are the most glorious things ever created. Behold...the 1000-count sheet! Yes, they feel like canvas when you first take them out of the washer...and the dryer...and when you first put them on your bed. But then--glorious!

So glorious that we won't sleep on anything else, which explains why we only have 2 pairs and we don't plan on getting any more soon. Those things are expensive!

Day 29: Where Are My Wings?

I have an unhealthy attachment to diet drinks. I wouldn't say I'm *addicted* because I can go days without having one and I don't get that annoying "withdrawal headache" that I've heard about.

Nay, my adoration for these go beyond a mere physical craving. I love the slight, chemicaly after-taste, the bubbles, the feeling of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" when I drink one. I even like to drink Tab and will buy it when I can find it. (King Soopers usually has some in stock)

So, this is why there's a Sugar Free Red Bull in my fridge...right in front of the 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke. I don't drink coffee, so I gotta get my fix some way, right?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 28: If it's Food... must be Sunday!

Another month, another cook along! March is pasta month, so all bow down to the glory that is His Noodly Appendage and say rAmen. This week's was a rosemary-infused, creamy, tomato-sauced, pasta. I totally put the sprig of fresh rosemary on there *just* for the picture. (Hee, hee!)

Day 27: Old MacDonald Had a Farm!

Boo so desperately wants to play with Bay and vice versa. Unfortunately Bay is just young enough to not really get the whole "playing" thing and Boo is just selfish enough to not want to share any of his toys.

However, today, the heavens opened and sang...They played "farm" together. They were interacting and laughing together. No fighting. No crying. No, "Moooooooooooooooooooom, Delaney took my toy!"

It was glorious.

Day 26: Moon, Moon, Moon/Shining Bright...

We got home from school on Friday and the bright moon contrasted against the ice-blue sky was beautiful. As I was struggling to get the picture just right (something that, incidentally, never did happen) I realized just how quickly the moon was rising above the tree. So, 3 for the price of 1 today!

Day 24: Look Ma! I Can Spell!

Boo is a pretty smart kid. Babe taught him his letters when he was about 19 months old, and he loooooves to read. We've been working on letter sounds and recognizing his name lately, so when he gets to Kindergarten, he's not the only kid that has NO clue what his name is.

Oh, and no, Babe and I aren't going to be the psycho parents that try and force their kids to read when they're 3 and play full concertos on the piano when they're 5. I mean, we're both teachers so we *know* that early literacy, while important, isn't the end-all, be-all.

I am, however, pretty damn proud of Boo. He spelled his name all by himself (with just a little bit of help from mom.) :0)

ETA: I'm aware that this post is out of order. As soon as I can figure out how to scramble posts, it'll be fixed...or it'll stay here in its jumbled glory.