My mom is frelling awesome. AWESOME! She's been watching Boo (and then Bay, when she came along) every Tuesday since Boo was 3 months old. He's almost 4. That's a long time. Not only does she drive 45 minutes, each way, to our house at the butt-crack of dawn, she sometimes brings us breakfast, she'll do some cleaning, our laundry, etc.
There's a catch...Isn't there always?
Sometimes, we come home and things are not quite where we left them. I think Baba was an interior decorator in a different life. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Without her, my walls would be almost bare of anything slightly decorative. It's just, well, she'll move stuff and then we can't find it, or she'll change something we did (because we like the way we did it.)
Case in point: This picture. The configuration of the couches was the way we had it for.ever. After moving the couches for a birthday party, we decided we liked it with both couches against the wall--it opened up the space and it showcased our cute khaki and black floral rug.
We got this braided rug from Babe's mom and it was going to go on the office, because it matched the curtains. However, my mom decided that it needed to go upstairs. Oh, and then the couches needed to move as well. Wa-la! A moved-around living room.
We have not, however, changed it back...there's a reason my mom always has a ton to do at our house...we're lazy.